Seven Eleven Again

Problem of the Week - September 12, 2022

Oldie but Goodie

You walk into a 7-11 store and select four items to buy (7-11 is a convenience in the USA with almost 10,000 locations). The clerk at the counter informs you that the total cost of the four items is $7.11. Of course you are a surprised that the cost was the same as the name of the store. The clerk tells you that he simply multiplied the cost of each item and arrived at the total. As a math lover you calmly inform the clerk that the items should be added together, not multiplied.  Your cost without tax should be the sum of the four items not product. The clerk adds the items together and shares that the total is still exactly $7.11.  By the way, there is no sales tax on these items in this state.  The four items each have a distinct cost and there is no need for rounding.  What is the sum of the two least expensive items you purchased

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