Problem 1268
In the Christmas carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas”, you receive gifts from your true love over the course of 12 days. The gifts are:a partridge in a pear tree, 2 turtle doves, 3 french hens, 4 calling birds, 5 gold rings, 6 geese a-laying, 7 swans a-swimming, 8 maids a-milking, 9 ladies dancing, 10 lords a-leaping, 11 pipers piping, and 12 drummers drumming. On the first day you receive a partridge in a pear tree; on the second day, 2 turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree; on the third day, 3 French hens, 2 turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree; and so on. After twelve days how many total gifts have you received over the 12 days?
Problem submitted by Mike Schieffer, Austin, TX
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