Who Answered Correctly?

Clock Cheese | November 22, 2021 - November 29, 2021

35% Correct
( 9 of 26 total answers)

NOTE: Only participants 15 years of age or younger are awarded points and displayed below for Elementary Brain Teaser problems.

Name Location Score
1 Henry Tran Houston, TX, USA 10
2 Dordy Chrysanthemum San Francisco, CA, USA 9
3 Eliza S. Columbus, Ohio, USA 9
4 Unicorn Girl Columbus, Ohio, USA 9
5 Stuart Tao Calgary , Canada 9
6 Amicable Advika Houston, Texas, United States 8
7 Emily Dreamlemon Columbus, OH, USA 8
8 Aarav Goel Dublin, CA, USA 8
9 Ivan Škrtić Zagreb, Croatia 8

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